Our black bags delivered on their promises and our Hong Kong family and friends supported our ride every rapid, rowing. Little did we know that if you stay at it, you do go forward and grow, regardless of what you might be scared of.

It was during this time that we met Hong Kong born Keith Lam, our now partner. He is currently running a fourth generation family business. With his help and vision we took the plunge and invested in an industrial property in Kwai Chung. A food factory was our inevitable next step, the leap of faith that has been the cause for so many sleepless nights.

With Keith’s help and unlimited resources we transformed a forklift storage facility into the first (and only) Biltong factory in Hong Kong.

An amazing friend, CJ, said something to the extent of: “Have a look at the doors on your path, are they opening, or are they closing?"

Many a moment HP and I looked at each other, asking this very question.  And thanks to each and every one of you, we are now at the point where we can move into phase 2 of our planned journey.

Our hope is to deliver the best Wagyu Biltong, Chilli Bites and Droëwors to start off with.  Beyond that the sky is the limit!

I wish that we can look back one day with 20/20 vision in hindsight, smiling!